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Make a Donation
Donations to Lily House assist in a wide variety of ways. These include covering overhead expense such as petrol, food, rent, education, training and personal growth activities.
Donations are also used to assist with further education costs and enables the residents to undertake outside therapeutic activities such as baby swimming lessons, craft classes, exercise programs and other vital recreations.
At Lily House we are always in need of household items including new beds and mattresses, prams, cots, and baby supplies. If we have a good supply of these items, the girls can take them with them when they leave and set up their own homes.
All donations to Lily House are tax deductable.

Donations can be made via Direct Deposit or Cheque via these details.
Direct Deposit
Lily House Gift Account
BSB: 633 000
ACCOUNT: 173 359 779
BSB: 633 000
ACCOUNT: 173 359 779
Payable to: Lily House
Lily House
PO Box 310
Palmwoods Q 4559
Make a Donation