Rose’s Story

This is my story
Lily house is place that is set up specifically to support and help young mothers and disadvantaged girls and women to learn how to parent, care for themselves and to be cared for.
All the above mentioned relates to me, to my family, to our story…
Lily House means more to me than words can express and the gratitude I have for being able to stay there and the changes that Lily house has made to me and my children’s lives is immeasurable…
When I arrived at Lily at the age of 30 pregnant with my 5th child that I didn’t think I would be able to keep her. I was a far cry from the woman I am now…
At Lily House, I was shown life skills, given the support, love, and care I needed to be strengthen then, in turn, allowed me to get my 3 eldest daughters reunified back with me after they had all been in foster care for 6 years. Also, my son who is now just over 2 is living back at home with me too.
As you can imagine this amount of change happening in such a short period of time comes with its own challenges, and although we all live in our own house now Lily House offers us ongoing emotional support… The work that the volunteers, etc put into Lily House and its residents is incredible, and they don’t even get paid! It says clearly to me that Lily House is a service offered out of love, concern, and need…

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